The Bay Area Advertising Relief Committee provides emergency financial assistance, mentoring, networking and other resources for members of the San Francisco Bay Area advertising, marketing, and PR industry.
BAARC continues to strive for the fair treatment of all individual backgrounds and believes in eliminating the barriers for access and full participation, regardless of race, gender, religion, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, identity, mental or physical ability, or socioeconomic status, creating an environment where one feels welcome and respected.
"The financial assistance is a blessing, but the feeling that people care enough to have my back, even it it’s just a little bit, is very special too.”
— Aid Recipient
The Bay Area Advertising Relief Committee (BAARC) began in 1984 with one man named Wally Brazeal and three friends, Rob Skinner, Gerry Sher, and Whitney Harris, who came to Wally’s aid when he needed it most. Upon hearing news of Wally’s illness and his exorbitant medical expenses, those three friends decided it was time the ad industry took care of its own. And so they formed BAARC.
Wally Brazeal had spent his career in the Bay Area as a broadcast sales rep and made many good friends in the business. When the ad community heard of his need, support was immediate. A Board of Directors was formed and soon a fundraising effort was underway. Unfortunately, during the planning stages of the event, Wally’s wife, his primary caretaker, died unexpectedly.
This prompted even stronger resolve on the part of Wally’s friends. They called upon our media community, who generously responded by donating advertising time promoting the fundraising event. Although they were rewarded with an overwhelming turnout, sadly that very evening, Wally Brazeal passed away.
CONTINUING TODAY with the same spirit of generosity and concern, BAARC is more prepared than ever to help members of the advertising and marketing community. BAARC volunteers have made a concerted effort to generate annual personal and corporate donations from all of the local communities. An even bigger challenge for us is to get word out to the people who could use BAARC’s services the most.